Our Mission



At Ozanam Recovery House, our mission is to provide our clients with a HOME, HEALTH and HOPE:

  • To provide a safe HOME for disadvantaged persons in Kelowna, whether impoverished, destitute or affected by either mental or physical illness or drug and/or alcohol addictions.

  • To promote recovery of HEALTH through provision of clean, affordable housing with individual private rooms, home-cooked meals, psycho-social support, medication management, holistic counseling, life skills training, and opportunities for companionship and support, all within a stable drug and alcohol free environment.

  • To foster HOPE for present and future well-being through our professional staff providing an environment of mutual trust and respect, restoration of dignity and , along with established community resources, people and services, opportunities for individual development for a return to independent living and a wholesome lifestyle.

For many of Kelowna’s homeless men the path to personal independence is dark and lonely, littered with obstacles. By shining the light of community, compassion, and counselling, Ozanam Recovery House provides opportunities to these struggling individuals and makes a meaningful difference in their lives.